Here's a list of all the widgets currently available:
*Any other form of widget can be customized according to requirement.
See sample Photo Gallery Overlay here
Anchor | ||||
Customized Widgets are built in HTML5 and applicable as a companion or overlay to any kind of format.
The process of adding a customized widget is identical to the one to adding a new widget.
Anchor | ||||
How to add a Customized App to a Story:
- Create a new event at the desired timestamp
- Click on the "Add Widget" button underneath the event to open the Widget page
- Select the Widget Type "Instant App"
- Mode select "Show"
- Widget ID select:
- Webcontent - for the Instant App to appear in the companion area*
- Webcontent-overlay - for the Instant App to appear as an overlay** on the video
*Each new companion content will replace the previous one in the companion area based on the timeline and rules set.
- once created it is possible to drag and drop the overlay on the preview area of the video in order to choose the exact position.
- to make an overlay disappear repeat the same process as "To Add an Instant App to a Story" but select the Mode "Hide"
"Key Value" field in the Widget Data page
It is possible to track and assign a Key Value to each instant app. This allows to establish conditions in both the Storyboard and the Journey Designer based on user interactions with the widgets. The Key Value would work as a reference for the condition.
Customized Widget Templates:
Anchor | ||||
A reasonable number of templates are available and ready to be used, together with their relative structure, in the platform.
We continuously add new templates based on feedback coming from our clients and our marketing team. There are two main categories of template - overlay and companion. The former are templates designed to be executed in the alpha channel of a video content; the latter are designed to be placed in the companion placeholders.
Here's the list of current available templates (for updates and new templates, contact your account representative):
*Any other form of widget can be customized according to requirement.
- Overlay
- Companion
Anchor | ||||
Overlay Card
See Overlay Card sample here
Hidden Overlay
Anchor hiddenoverlay hiddenoverlay
See mobile Hidden Overlay sample here
See desktop Hidden Overlay sample here
Anchor dotsanimation dotsanimation
Clickable Dots
See Clickable Dots sample here
Anchor | ||||
Chat Message
See Chat Message sample here
See Message Chat Input Text sample here
Anchor imagecta imagecta
imagecta | |
imagecta |
Image CTA
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Image CTA sample here
Anchor DoubleImageCTA DoubleImageCTA
Double Image CTA
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add the widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Double Image CTA here
Anchor SingleImage SingleImage
SingleImage | |
SingleImage |
Single Image CTA [300x250]
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data
See Single Image CTA sample here
Anchor SingleImageBG SingleImageBG
SingleImageBG | |
SingleImageBG |
Single Image CTA w Background [300x250]
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Single Image CTA w Background sample here
Anchor ButtonCTA ButtonCTA
ButtonCTA | |
ButtonCTA |
Button CTA [970x250]
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Button CTA sample here
See Button CTA 2 sample here
Anchor ImageCTABorder ImageCTABorder
Image CTA w Border
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Image CTA with Border sample here
Anchor ImageTextButton ImageTextButton
ImageTextButton | |
ImageTextButton |
Image + Text + Button [970x250]
*Note: To make the overlay disappear before the end of the video create a new event, follow the same steps as to add a new widget and select the mode "hide" on the widget data page.
See Image + Text + Button sample here
See Image + Text + Button 2 sample here
Clickable Logo
Anchor | ||||
Social Sharing
Anchor | ||||
Double Button CTA
Anchor | ||||