Versions Compared


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Stories are exported by formats

To export your stories follow these easy steps:

A. Click on the format you would like to export and then click on a story (If that specific format is composed by a sequence of stories, then click the story in the sequence).

B. On the top menu bar, click on Advanced.

C. Then go on to Ad Export.

D. Defined width and length of the format you are looking to export

E. Setup a clickthrough url and backup image. The backup image will have to meet the specs of the format.

F. Click on Save.

Thanks to the Multilink Option, you can choose to insert different URLs in the CTAs of a single Story.  Just set all the CTA URLs in the “Ad Export” section of a Story, in the Click through url space.  Press on the "+" button for additional URLs, you can add as many URLs as you want.

When assigning a link for a widget CTA, a drop-down list with all the set URLs will be displayed for you to choose from.

Now you can download either the HTML5 package, or generate and copy a VAST/VPAID url or Javascript tag. If needed there is also the chance to extrapolate both Click Command and Tracking Url for the unit. 

The Connected-Stories Ad Tag is an HTML5 file (or a short JavaScript code) used to serve ad units to publishers' digital properties. Once the ad unit is loaded on client page, Connected-Stories can start to collect data and forward the most-appropriate content to the users, depending on their state and behavior. 

Ad tags are automatically generated in the backend system and can be distributed through any ad server. In the case of using Doubleclick For Publishers, Ad Tags can be uploaded and scheduled in a campaign line item.

When an Ad Tag is rendered on the page as an impression, it communicates back to the Connected-Stories cloud to determine user's state within the customer journey workflow, based on user data and/or user interactions.

Connected-Stories units work in Full-Redirect. This means that the ad server that is trafficking Connected-Stories units support CSS, JS, and AJAX calls to external servers. This is particularly important when putting together your media plan for your next campaign since some key Connected-Stories features might not be working as planned.

titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents

Supported Ad Tag types

HTML5 package 

Zip file that contains the minimum resources to load an Ad Unit, mainly HTML5 files and assets. Supplementary assets and dynamic functions are loaded directly from the Connected-Stories cloud. This type of Ad Tag can be used to deliver a standard iAB unit. 

JavaScript tag

This Ad Tag provides a higher level of interaction on the Ad Unit, for example an Expandable Unit. It can be delivered with DFP macros for tracking capabilities. 


VAST and VPAID are standard iAB protocols used to deliver an Ad Unit on compliant Video Player. Connected-Stories with a VAST url can deliver a simple preroll/midroll/postroll on the target video player. Further, with a VPAID url, Connected-Stories can deliver rich content with interaction.


MRAID, or “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions,” is the common API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile rich media ads that will run in mobile apps. This is a standardized set of commands, designed to work with HTML5 and JavaScript, that developers creating rich media ads use to communicate what those ads do (expand, resize, get access to device functionalities such as the accelerometer, etc.) with the apps into which they are being served.

Below is a sample of a code generated by Connected-Stories for a JavaScript Ad Tag:

Code Block
titleConnected Stories JS Ad Tag
<script id="htv_unit_exp" src="$$%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%$$">>
<a href="%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 width=970 height=60></a>


When third party redirect is not supported by the publisher, you can associate the tracking pixel and click command tags in order to keep track of impressions and clicks.

Below is a sample of a code generated by Connected-Stories for tracking code and command click:

See also: