is Connected-Stories
' most analytical module, designed to deliver a highly personalized and efficient campaign and customer journey management experience, while also collecting and analyzing data. This module stands out for its ability to define campaign structure, collect and analyze detailed data, and optimize performance in real time. Through its Automate and Data Dashboard sections (in which we find General Analytics and Creative Intelligence).
General Analytics & Creative Intelligence
Tutti i dati raccolti durante il live della campagna e relative performance sono essenziali per valutare l'efficacia delle strategie di marketing. Le dashboard di General Analytics (FREE) e Creative Intelligence (PRO) forniscono una panoramica dettagliata e approfondita di queste informazioni.
La dashboard free General Analytics, raccoglie metriche cruciali come impression, clickthrough rate, e video views, consentendo di monitorare l'andamento della campagna in tempo reale. Inoltre, è possibile filtrare i dati per giorno, dispositivo, browser e sistema operativo, offrendo una visione personalizzata delle performance.
La sezione premium Creative Intelligence, offre un livello avanzato di analisi, raccoglie metriche più dettagliate su engagement e azioni degli utenti, heatmap, topics, raccomandazioni e il ML-Model Garden.
Questi differenti tool di comprensione del dato sono complementari e forniscono una visione completa e approfondita delle prestazioni delle campagne, consentendo di prendere decisioni informate e ottimizzare continuamente le strategie di marketing.
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leverages both predeterministic models based on contextual variables (such as time of day, day of the week, weather, geolocation, and others) and probabilistic machine learning models pre-trained on historical data, first-party brand data, and user behaviors to offer targeted suggestions and optimizations to maximize results. With an iterative, data-driven approach, PersonifAI enables continuous optimization of creative deliverables, enabling effective reach and engagement with target audiences and significantly improving the overall performance of advertising campaigns.
General Analytics & Creative Intelligence
All the data collected during the live of the campaign and related performance are essential to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies. General Analytics (FREE) and Creative Intelligence (PRO) dashboards provide a detailed and in-depth overview of this information.
The free General Analytics dashboard, collects crucial metrics such as impressions, clickthrough rate, and video views, allowing you to monitor campaign performance in real-time. In addition, you can filter data by day, device, browser, and operating system, giving you a customized view of performance.
The premium section Creative Intelligence, offers an advanced level of analysis, and collects more detailed metrics on user engagement and actions, heatmaps, topics, recommendations, and the ML-Model Garden.
These different data insight tools are complementary and provide a comprehensive and in-depth view of campaign performance, allowing informed decisions and to continuously optimize marketing strategies.
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