Below you can see the list of all charts in the Impressions and Clickthroughs dashboard.


This Total Impressions shows the total number of impressions of the campaign from its starting date until the current date. As mentioned in the Analytics Dashboard page, there is the possibility to filter this chart based on Date, Format or Story.

The Impressions format chart, gives you the possibility to see the rounded number of impressions per day, move your mouse on the chart, and checkout the number of impressions on a specific day.

Click throughs

This Total Clickthroughs shows the total number of clickthroughs of the campaign from its starting date until the current date. As mentioned in Analytics Dashboard page, there is the possibility to filter this chart based on Date, Format or Story.

The Clickthroughs format chart, gives you the possibility to see the number of clickthroughs registered daily. Notice, the numbers could be rounded to two decimals. As you can see in the sample chart, if there is more than one format, by moving through the chart you can see all of them. As mentioned in Analytics Dashboard page, you can filter this chart by setting Date, Format name or Story name.

Average CTR

The CTR shows the percentage of total number of click throughs over total number of impressions.

You can see in the CTR format chart the daily percentage of Click through Rate(CTR). By moving the mouse over the chart, the data is shown.

Drilldown Impressions and Clicktrhoughs

The three charts shown above, divides and shows the total number of impressions and clickthroughs based on Device, Browser and OS. To see these data while being compared to each other see the next Charts, Comparison Impressions and Clickthroughs.

Comparison Impressions and Clicktrhoughs

The first three charts, are responsible for comparing Impressions data based on different Devices, Browsers and Operating systems(OS).

The second set of charts are responsible for comparing Clickthrough data, again, based on different Devices, Browsers and OSs.


There is the possibility to filter Impressions and clickthroughs data, that are shown in previous charts, based on the Device, Browser and OS. To do so, you need to choose your desired filter from the Filters Chart, and hit the “Apply” button to load the data.

Drill Down Daily

The Drill Down Daily chart of Impressions and Clickthroughs dashboard shows the number of Impressions, and clickthroughs, which are grouped by date. You can scroll up and down to see your preferred date information.

Clickthrough Video Time Distribution

The last chart at the bottom right of Impressions and Clickthroughs dashboard demonstrate the distribution of the number of clickthroughs over seconds of the video.

Notice that, this chart does not represent the duration of the video.