Connected Stories offer different varieties of widgets that can be implemented in your story. Users can interact with widgets via personalized content and that's what makes a story dynamic.
Here's a list of all the widgets currently available:
*Any other form of widget can be customized according to requirement.
How to Set Up a Widget:
- First of all, it is important to understand that widgets need to be timed. Therefore each widget is linked to an event. This allows you to have widgets that dynamically interact with your ads to appear and disappear as you wish.
- A) On the right end side - just below the video preview - click on New Event.
- B) Name the event you are adding and the setup when to trigger it through the timecode. Then select "Save and Add Widget".
C) You will be prompt to the add widget area. Here you can insert a description of your widget and select the type of widget you want to add.
- D) Select "Show" under mode in order to have the widget appear at the time you selected. You will select "Hide" when you want the widget to disappear.
- E) Certain widgets such as Polls and Quizzes can be added in overlay to your assets. Just select overlay under Widget ID.
F) Clicking on "Advanced" will give you the chance to further edit the widget such as adding a background to it. - G) When you are done click Save. You will be redirected to the Story editor.
As said, you will need to create another event if you want your widgets to disappear after a certain time.
H) Select New Event and define its time code. This is when your widget will disappear.
I) Select the widget type you want to have disappear and then under mode select "Hide". Click save when you are done.
After adding your widgets, you can see how they appear by clicking "Open Preview". This'll give you a clear idea of how the story rolls out.
Connecting Widgets:
Within a story is also possible to have a widget that triggers another widget. This is probably the most fascinating aspect of Connected-Stories. The fact that based on user actions a story can evolve in many different ways. In order to understand and define the logic behind it, we encourage you to visit the Rules Engine section.
Here you will see how to actually connect widgets (events) after a rules engine has already been designed for the story.
A) Click on new event or hit on edit if the event you want to connect has already been created.
B) Now under "Context" you will see a list of context you can associate to that particular event.
C) Now hit on open preview and you will be able to see how your story evolve based on the events you connected and the underlying rules engine.
FYI: Contexts are the final blocks in a rules engine logic and they are the ones you will be able to connect to a particular event. More on it in the Rules Engine Section.
Poll Companion
Widget Type: Poll
Widget Id: Poll (Companion)
- Question
- % Result
- Background image
- Video
Poll Overlay
Widget Type: Poll
Widget Id: Poll-Overlay
- Question
Drag and drop it everywhere on the video area
% Result
Quiz Companion
Widget Type: Quiz
Widget Id: Quiz
- Question
- Answers
- Background image
- Video
- Countdown to answer
Quiz Overlay
Widget Type: Quiz
Widget Id: Quiz-overlay
- Question
- Answers
- Countdown to answer
Photo Gallery Companion
Widget Type: Photo Gallery
Widget Id: Gallery
- Video
- Images
- Arrow Color
- Call to Action
- Description
Photo Gallery Overlay
Widget Type: Photo Gallery
Widget Id: Gallery
Format: Half Page Special (300x600)
- Video
- Images
- Arrow Color
- Call to Action
- Description
- Link