Versions Compared


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C-S Studio is a codeless environment designed for easily setting up any type of ad video creatives. Thanks to its intuitive interface you will able to set up all your stories faster and change them at any time.



The Connected-


Stories Studio has 4 main prominent sections: the drag-and-drop creation area (center), the widget selection tab (left), the timeline (bottom), and the properties tab (right). When you want to save any changes you've made here, make sure to click the "Save" button in the top right corner. Next to it is the "Preview" button, after you save, you're able to click this to preview what the live version will look like.

On C-S Studio interactive widgets can be easily assembled on the video ad through more than 15 templates that will help you to create the most dynamic and engaging stories for your target audience. 



On C-S Studio everything is built


on timeline-based system so that you can decide when to trigger an event and eventually make it disappear at the right second.


An event can contain an unlimited amount of interactive widgets which will have the same timecode of all the other widgets in the whole event.

You can also not assign a specific timecode to an event which will be then triggered by another widget (see here how to do it) All widgets you insert into the creation area will appear on the timeline. You're able to set keyframes on the timeline by double-clicking a widgets timeline, so that you're able to adjust a widgets properties as the creative plays.

In the image above you can see an example of how your events will look like: on the left you will see the timecode you've set to trigger that event and on the right the name you gave to a specific event. 


Once setup, each widget can be placed anywhere on the video through a precision editing tool.


Here is where the widgets are set up for the creative. On the left hand side, you're able to select a variety of widgets. Once a widget is selected, it will appear in the creation area in the middle. Here you area able to freely move and resize any and all widgets within the area.

With C-S Studio you are also able to watch in real time how the video ad looks like as you move or resize the widgets. Infact, by clicking on the botton "Open preview", a new window will open on your browser showing in full-screen the interactive ad you have just set up, so that you can decide if it works well or if it needs some adjustments.


Here you are able to adjust all the different properties that can alter a widget or the whole creative itself. The properties tab will auto-populate with specific properties according to which widget you are editing.

NEXT STEP: Managing Assets >>
