Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Stories are exported by formats.

To export your stories follow these easy steps:


Befor exporting your format tags, you've to do the following things:

  1. Enter into the format you would like want to export.Go on to Ad Export.;
  2. Select Ad Export in the navigation tab on the left top part of the screen;
  3. Define width and length of the format you are looking to export expressed in pixels (I.e. 1920x1090);
  4. Define the duration of your video.;
  5. Insert a 3rd Party Pixel to track campaign's impressions, if you have one. If you have more than one click on the plus icon;
  6. Setup a backup image which will have to meet the specs of the format. It's good to put an image that refers to the campaign you're working on (i.e. brand's logo, product, CTA...).;
  7. Insert your click tag.
    Thanks to the multilink option, you can associate different URLs to all the interactive elements of a single you've put in each story: just press on the "+" button for additional URLs to and add as many URLs as you wantyou need giving each a different name in order to make it recognizable. When assigning a link to an interactive element, a drop-down list with all the set URLs will be displayed to choose the right one you need .(see here how to set up a widget);
  8. Click on "Savebutton.

Image RemovedImage Added

Now you can download either the HTML5 package  or or generate and copy a VAST/VPAID url or Javascript tag.

If needed there is also the chance to extrapolate both Click Command and Tracking Url for the unit. For more information

For all the available exporting options on Connected Stories, click here. 


Image Removed


When full redirect is not supported by the publisher, tracking pixel and click command tags can be associated to a format hosted on the publisher's servers and trafficked directly through by them. This way you can get a full picture of your campaign even if they are not Connected-Stories formats.

Below a sample of a code generated by Connected-Stories for tracking pixel and click command:



If you have to make changes to your story widget or video, the tag you've exported won't change and you don't need to re-traffic your ad

Image Added

NEXT STEP: Ad Trafficking >>
